Because that's what life is all about

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Taking A Nap, Yes Or No?

Everybody experiences this once in a while. The day has only just begun, but you feel kind of tired and would be able to sleep. Should you give in and take a nap or is it healthier to try to pull yourself together and keep your eyes open? Just give in and take that powernap! If you meet the following terms it is not unhealthy at all! This post lists everything you need to know about the benefits of sleeping and how that powernap can help you!

It is always good to know some facts on how sleeping works and what your body does during sleep. We will give you some so you are able to adjust your sleep pattern and benefit from it! An average human being needs 7 to 8 hours of sleep a day. If you lose some hours by for example going out for a beer, do not panic! Just go to bed the next day at an acceptable hour and you will be fine. If you do not sleep enough day after day, then you will start to suffer from sleep deprivation. This does have a lot of negative consequences for your body. First of all, you will literally look worse. Moreover, your responsiveness decreases, your brain will process information more slowly and your short term memory fails to work propely. Furthermore you lose your patience more often and lack motivation. All of these examples lead to burn-outs, stress and so on. There simply is nothing good about sleeping less, so do not do it. 

When you had your good night sleep, but start to feel tired around noon. Do not hesitate to close your eyes for a moment. Research has shown that properly doing a powernap has a lot of positive effects on the body physically as well as mentally. You will feel more relaxed, function better, have more patience and a better responsiveness. This results into more efficiently and generally a better and healthier lifestyle. The only catch is that you can not just nap for a random amount of minutes. Your body goes through different stages during sleep. From light sleep to deep sleep and finally to rapid-eye movement or REM sleep. A full cycle takes approximately 90 to 110 minutes. We recommend you to take a nap for at least 10 minutes and for no longer than 30 minutes. This way you will only sleep during light sleep and wake up before reaching deep sleep. 

From now on a powernap is not just for little children! Take one whenever you are in need of new energy to finish the day. Sleep tight! 


StephaniePumphrey said...

To enable to understand how sustainable my life is, definitions of what is a sustainable lifestyle need to be considered.

lifestyle definition

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