Because that's what life is all about

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Nature's Supplemtens: Mood Changers: Oranges

Everybody sometimes suffers from stress. One more than anothers, but the symptoms you get from stress are unpleasant for each person. Now, there are some ways to reduce that stress and to give you a new, brighter look on life. We will show you how the orange can become your best friend in stressful days.

In the time of World War II, it was already discovered that during stress your body needs extra vitamin C. Unfortunately this is not something your body produces naturally. Since an orange is an excellent source of this type of vitamin, it can be used for stress relief. You will be feeling a lot better after getting that extra dose of vitamin C, because it stabilizes your blood pressure and levels of cortisol. Cortisol is a chemical produced by the body when you are under stress. 

So, in the morning when you just got out of bed, or during lunch, just make yourself some fresh orangejuice. This will help you get through your day with a smile on your face!


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