Because that's what life is all about

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Tea Time: Jasmin Pearls

Today I went by my favorite tea store 'The Tea Collection' in Antwerp. I was looking for a new addition for my tea collection. I tumbled upon this fresh sensing tea leaves, the Jasmine Pearls. After drinking a few cups, I was exited to tell you all about it! It's Tea Time!

Jasmine tea originates from China. It is believed to be 1000 years old, which makes it the most famous scented tea in China.The tea I bought also comes from China. The special thing about this tea is that it is handrolled into little pearls. The making of this tea is not that self-evident. Tea leaves, most of the time green or white, are harvested in the spring and stored until early summer when the fresh jasmine flowers growing at high elevation in the mountains are in bloom. The flowers are picked in the early morning when the small petals are still closed. The petals are stored and cooled until nightfall. When they start opening up in the early evening, the leaves are blended with these jasmine flowers. Overnight the jasmine petals open and release their fragrance into the tea. It takes 4 hours or more for the tea to absorb the jasmine flavor. This process will be repeated for several times. After that the tea must be re-fired to get rid of the moisture from the flowers. When you add water to the tea, the pearl opens and spreads a delicious aroma. This tea has the same benefits as every other green tea. The jasmine reduces the bitterness and gives it a sweet scent, which gives you a relaxed feeling. I like to drink this tea in the afternoon, because the stimulating effect is less strong than pure green tea.

For all the tea lovers in this world, these Jasmine Pearls are a must have in your collection!


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