Because that's what life is all about

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Making Your House A Home: Add Things That Reflect Your Personality

Did you get that bonsai tree yet? Or wasn't it really your style? Well, it does not matter, because this time we will give you more general advice, so everybody can fill it in for themselves. To get another step closer to making your house a home, we recommend that you add things that reflects your personality. We know that this is everything but specific, so we will gives some examples that will make it easier for you to find your 'things'. 

Every human being in this world is unique. This means that everyone of us has got its own set of characteristics. You have to discover what you are all about. This happens along the way if you are yourself day in and day out, but if you pretend to be someone else, then this process will be a lot harder. When you have found out what types you, then you can start to integrate that into your house. For example, if you like reading, you can translate that into your interior by surrounding yourself with books. Besides that you can also be very spirituality. Some people feel at ease when typical sculptures or symbols of certain religions are integrated into their homes. We personally love the buddhist style, because it has got a certain calm and serenity to it. Furthermore, there are people that have an artistic touch. If you are one of those persons, just hanging a painting on the wall that you have a connection with will make a big difference. As a final example there are human beings that love to collect objects. This helps them give meaning to life, so they feel good in their environment. 

As you can see, there are a thousand and one things that can make a difference between a house and a home. We hope that these examples will help you find your way. The most important thing to remember is to just look at yourself and find those things that make you feel good. Try to translate that into your house, so every time you walk through your door, you feel at home.


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