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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tea Time: Oolong Tea

This tea time we will talk about another traditional Chinese tea, namely oolong tea. Oolong means black dragon in Chinese due to its color. This tea already exists for centuries, but the western world has only recently become aware of this delight. The unique manual production makes it a special type of tea with a smooth and rich character that should not be missing in your collection! Furthermore, it provides the drinker with a unique quantity of health benefits. Read on to find out why!

Oolong tea can be situated between green and black tea. Green tea is not oxidized, while black tea entirely is. Oolong tea has a oxidation grade of 10 to 75%. The lower the oxidation grade, the sweeter and more flowery the taste is. As the oxidation grade gets higher, the more powerful the tea will be. Besides the categorization of oolong between green and black tea, it also contains qualities of both these types. This makes it one of the most 'all round' teas you can get. This does not mean that the concentration of every substance is higher in oolong than they are in green or black tea. The compositions are different in every type. Processing tea leaves changes the composition and hereby the effects. For example, green tea is well known for accelerating the energy usage of the body, making it a great help if you are trying to lose some weight. Black tea on the other hand contains more caffeine, so it will give you a bigger energy boost and so on. Oolong fluctuates in the middle, so it has the characteristics of green tea as well as black tea. This gives you more and similar, but less strong effects and health benefits.

If you always drink the same tea during breakfast or lunch, we recommend to switch to oolong tea. This will improve your overall appearance and helps you to achieve a healthy lifestyle! We personally choose green tea above all others, but in case we one of us is in need of an energy boost, but still wants to benefit from the good characteristics of green tea, we always keep some organic oolong tea of the brand Lima in our collection!


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